Enhance your hiring process with our tech-enabled verification solutions

Equipping talent leaders with pre-employment screenings, background checks and hiring analytics

Key product offerings


Hassle-free validation of your candidate and employee's credentials with our customizable packages


Safe and efficient medical checks for your employees through our partnerships with leading labs in Philippines


Faster hiring with our technology first solutions focusing on ATS integrations and hiring analytics

Background screenings


Authenticate your candidate’s past work experience including employment details of the last 3 employers within a 10-year timespan

NBI and criminal

Validate your candidate’s NBI certification and criminal records through our national and global database


Confirm your candidate’s academic history and educational background – whether they attended school locally or internationally


Verify your candidate’s current residence through our outstanding physical verification team

Medical checks

Lab-based drug testing

Choose from 2-panel to 11-panel drug test by visiting our partners’ certified laboratories

Virtual drug testing

Carry out virtual drug testing to eliminate the need to physically visit the laboratory

On-site drug testing

Randomized drug testing done on-site to eliminate workforce drug abuse and overall provide a safer work environment

Covid testing

Combine Covid-19 testing with our wide range of pre-employment screenings to expedite return to business in the pandemic

Hiring solutions

API integration

Integrate CIBI’s platform with your existing ATS for instant updates on the progress of your request


Create and customize an adjudication matrix fit for your verification process to provide key insights to your recruiters


Utilize our Workforce Manager, an online ordering system including a candidate portal, for a seamless user experience

Hiring analytics

Get real-time visibility on your order status through our dashboards to immediately identify drops in your hiring funnel

Why choose us

Access to global databases

Partnered with local and global players with access to widest data in PH including access to various international datasets

Dedicated candidate chasing team

Dedicated customer excellence and candidate chasing team to make sure your talent managers can work on strategic items instead of constant follow-ups


Customized solutions based on your requirements with transparent pricing and billing mechanisms


Fastest turnaround time in the country with most of the reports processed in less than 3 days


All information provided are compliant with the Data Privacy Act